Baby Girl Astrology Report

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Baby GIRL - Birth Chart

YES, they do come with a manual and it is here!

This is an excellent gift for the new parents of a lovely baby girl.

With an average of 14 pages, this report offers insights into the nature of the newborn.

Here are the main chapters covered by this report:
  • Basic Underlying Personality Traits
  • Moon Sign and Early Personality Development
  • Nurturing Intelectual and Physical Health and Development
  • Jupiter and Learning
  • Finding Fun and Encouraging Physical Development
  • Embracing Emotional Drives and Needs
  • Fostering Creativity and Spirituality
  • Perception of the Parents
The Baby Girl Astro-Report is an Astrological interpretation of a newborn with characteristics to be observed closely.

It gives parents and loved ones, a valuable tool describing the innate characteristics and points of developmental interest.

Birth Data

Please fill in with correct information.
Please read this before you order
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In order to guarantee your order will get to me without mistakes, please read the following:

You must provide correct birth information for all the reports with your order.

About the TIME of Birth:
In most countries, the original of the Birth Certificate has the Birth Time written in it. As an alternative, a lot of people resource to obtaining their Birth Hospital Records. In many cases, people rely on family information in the form of a baby album or even from parents or someone who happened to be there when the person was born.

"Is the TIME really important?"
The simple answer to that is "YES" it is.
It will represent almost 25% of the correctness of the produced Astro-Report.
IF no TIME of Birth is known a chart is done for NOON which is half way for the date of birth, but do this at your own risk, we insist an Astrological work should be done properly and according to best practices using the Time of Birth!

Reports Will Be Emailed To The Same Paypal Email Used On Payment!

All sales are final and NO refund/returns are accepted once the reports are "ordered".

Baby Boy Astrology Report

Stacks Image 22042
Baby BOY - Birth Chart

YES, they do come with a manual and it is here!

This is an excellent gift for the new parents of a lovely baby boy.

With an average of 14 pages, this report offers insights into the nature of the newborn.

Here are the main chapters covered by this report:
  • Basic Underlying Personality Traits
  • Moon Sign and Early Personality Development
  • Nurturing Intelectual and Physical Health and Development
  • Jupiter and Learning
  • Finding Fun and Encouraging Physical Development
  • Embracing Emotional Drives and Needs
  • Fostering Creativity and Spirituality
  • Perception of the Parents
The Baby Boy Astro-Report is an Astrological interpretation of a newborn with characteristics to be observed closely.

It gives parents and loved ones, a valuable tool describing the innate characteristics and points of developmental interest.

Birth Data

Please fill in with correct information.
Please read this before you order
Stacks Image 22120
In order to guarantee your order will get to me without mistakes, please read the following:

You must provide correct birth information for all the reports with your order.

About the TIME of Birth:
In most countries, the original of the Birth Certificate has the Birth Time written in it. As an alternative, a lot of people resource to obtaining their Birth Hospital Records. In many cases, people rely on family information in the form of a baby album or even from parents or someone who happened to be there when the person was born.

"Is the TIME really important?"
The simple answer to that is "YES" it is.
It will represent almost 25% of the correctness of the produced Astro-Report.
IF no TIME of Birth is known a chart is done for NOON which is half way for the date of birth, but do this at your own risk, we insist an Astrological work should be done properly and according to best practices using the Time of Birth!

Reports Will Be Emailed To The Same Paypal Email Used On Payment!

All sales are final and NO refund/returns are accepted once the reports are "ordered".

© 2017 and onwards Carlos Alberto (Beto) Boton